1. core/build.xml line 101 specifies memoryMaximumSize="256m" for the compile. This results in out-of-memory on 64 bit Linux. 512m works.
2. core/build.xml line 101 line 125 excludes the FIX 4.x message classes from the quickfix-core.xxx.jar. The FIX 5.x messages are not excluding, bloating quickfix-core.xxx.jar by more than 4MiB. Suggestion: add
<exclude name="quickfix/fix5?/**" />
3. The Mina 1.1.0 libraries are quite out of date. The current version at time of writing was 1.1.7. There is a small API change in 1.1.7 that requires editing FIXMessageEncoder.java. Will attach patch.