[QFJ-598] Make Quickfix/J transport layer pluggable in order to replace MINA by other IO frameworks as Netty or Grizzly Created: 06/May/11  Updated: 03/Sep/13

Status: Open
Project: QuickFIX/J
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Improvement Priority: Default
Reporter: Andrei Pozolotin Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 2
Labels: None


Besides MINA there are some other Java IO frameworks as

In order to use them in the QF/J engine we need to create some API to make the IO framework pluggable.


  • Replace current MINA transport by hard-wired Netty transport:
  • Compare original code base with changed required to replace MINA by Netty:
    • In this way we could deduce some API requirements.
  • Replace MINA by Grizzly and refine API.
  • Also consider MINA 2.0 integration:
    • QFJ-664: Upgrade MINA from 1.1.8 to 2.0.4

Comment by Luca Burgazzoli [ 26/Feb/13 ]

I think the modularity of the transport layer makes lot of sense thus I've create a little project that tries to integrate a netty based transport with quickfixj without have to change the quickfixj code itself (do not know if possible, I'll get it soon), you can find it on github:


Comment by Jörg Thönnes [ 13/Mar/13 ]

In reply to comment #1:
> [...]
> http://github.com/lburgazzoli/lb-quickfixj

Sounds like a good start. Did you make some progress here?

Comment by Luca Burgazzoli [ 03/Sep/13 ]

Not so much progress here as I was busy on some other stuffs.

I'll start working again on it soon as on side project I've also did some test with reactor-tcp https://github.com/reactor/reactor as foundation for the communication layer and it works very well.

In my humble opinion it is time to:

  • define transport API
  • split transport from core
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