[QFJ-746] Repeating Custom Tags Causes Parsing Error of Message Created: 31/May/13  Updated: 03/Jun/13  Resolved: 03/Jun/13

Status: Closed
Project: QuickFIX/J
Component/s: Message Generation
Affects Version/s: 1.5.2
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Default
Reporter: Talayeh Nili Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Not a bug Votes: 0
Labels: QuickfixJ



We are using QuicFIX J custom built functionality for parsing messages that we receive. We have custom tags with tag id in the 9000 ranges. These are allocation report messages and they can have a lot of these optional fields that we do not process, and some of them are nested and repeating. What I am seeing tis that when these tags are repeating, the QuickFIXJ is unable to read any fields after those set of tags.
Is this a known expected behaviour?

Example Message:
8=FIX.4.49=108635=AS34=183649=FCI-TNS56=CAPGROUP52=20130529-19:02:51453=2448=CPILGB2L447=B452=13802=1523=Capital Group Companies803=5448=BAMLPSWDCTM447=B452=1802=1523=Bank of America - BAMLPSWDCTM803=571=0794=3755=CPILGB2L136985417107987=09052=10137269169053=Y9057=MAGR857=054=2167=CORP6=98.86753=12460000381=12318828.2231=100.060=20130529-00:00:0075=2013052964=20130603157=166541=20180201223=1.570=27573200122=448=US828807CM76107=SIMON PROPERTY GROUP 144A LIFE SR UNSEC 1.5% 02-01-189061=49062=US828807CM769859=86181.679858=USD9874=29873=FLAT9865=EXEC9869=USD9866=09873=FLAT9865=TCOM9869=USD9866=078=379=000031467=7732620019047=2511221.880=2540000172=0169=285=1165=1781=1782=DTCYUS33783=B784=10801=0154=2528790.13742=17568.3312=013=379=000008467=7732820019047=6080320.580=6150000172=0169=285=1165=1781=1782=DTCYUS33783=B784=10801=0154=6122858742=42537.512=013=379=000078467=7732720019047=3727285.980=3770000172=0169=285=1165=1781=1782=DTCYUS33783=B784=10801=0154=3753361.73742=26075.8312=013=310=020

In this case, the allocations are not read. They start at tag 78. Right before tag 78, we see repeating tags 9865, 9869, 9866.
We have seen examples of this behaviour with other tags as well.

Comment by Grant Birchmeier [ 31/May/13 ]

You should ask for help on the mailing list or StackOverflow.

JIRA is for bug tracking, and this doesn't look like a bug.

Comment by Talayeh Nili [ 31/May/13 ]

Grant, my specific question is that is it the expected behavior for the parser to stop parsing the fix message once it sees a tag(not in a repeating group) multiple times?

Comment by Christoph John [ 03/Jun/13 ]

A FIX message must not contain duplicate tags, except they are in a repeating group.

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