[QFJ-750] Receiving Logout with too high or too low sequence causes messages to be lost Created: 11/Jul/13  Updated: 02/Apr/15  Resolved: 18/Dec/13

Status: Closed
Project: QuickFIX/J
Component/s: Engine
Affects Version/s: 1.5.3
Fix Version/s: 1.6.0

Type: Bug Priority: Default
Reporter: Niall Assignee: Christoph John
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None

Attachments: Text File QFJ-750-Session-with-test.patch     Text File QFJ-750-Session.java.patch    


For Loogout messages the "Too High" check is not done on the sequence number. If a Logout message with a sequence number that is too high is received, the NextTargetMsgSeqNum is still incremented anyway. This causes a message to be lost.

For example say the NextTargetMsgSeqNum=500 and a Logout message with MsgSeqNum=550 is received NextTargetMsgSeqNum gets incremented to 501. Then a Logon message is received with MsgSeqNum=551 a ResendRequest is sent for 501 to 550 and MsgSeqNum 500 is lost/never received.

In the nextLogout(Message) method I think modifying the increment statement to guard against this should avoid this situation:

int msgSeqNum = message.getInt(MsgSeqNum.FIELD);
if (!isTargetTooHigh(msgSeqNum)) {

Comment by Niall [ 12/Jul/13 ]

Attaching a patch

Comment by Christoph John [ 12/Jul/13 ]

Good catch. Are you also able to provide a unit test?

Comment by Niall [ 12/Jul/13 ]

I will try and add a test in the next day or two

Comment by Niall [ 13/Jul/13 ]

Attaching patch with unit test

Comment by Christoph John [ 18/Dec/13 ]

This also applies for Logouts with too low a sequence number. And also for Rejects.

Comment by Christoph John [ 18/Dec/13 ]

Committed as http://sourceforge.net/p/quickfixj/code/1128

Thanks to Niall for the patch. Slightly enhanced it and added same check for incoming Rejects (which are also processed regardless of seqnum, just as Logout messages).

Comment by Niall [ 23/Dec/13 ]

Great, thanks for applying this

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