[QFJ-811] Tag 989 is hard coded wrongly in version 1.5.3 Created: 06/Oct/14  Updated: 17/Jun/20  Resolved: 29/Jul/19

Status: Closed
Project: QuickFIX/J
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 1.5.3
Fix Version/s: 2.2.0

Type: Bug Priority: Default
Reporter: Chaitanya N Assignee: Wojciech Zankowski
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None


Tag 989 should come after tag 81, which comes under the repeating group tag of tag 79.

public NoAllocs() {
super(78, 79,
new int[]

{ 79, 661, 573, 366, 80, 467, 81, 539, 208, 209, 161, 360, 361, 12, 13, 479, 497, 153, 154, 119, 737, 120, 736, 155, 156, 742, 741, 136, 576, 780, 172, 169, 170, 171, 85, 989, 1002, 993, 992, 1047, 635, 0 }

Check the FIX community link for more information


I know there is a work around ValidateUnorderedGroupFields='N' to ignore validation of repeating groups, But can we have a proper fix to cater to people who doesn't want to use this work around?

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