Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
BenchmarkCurveCurrency |
get(BenchmarkCurveCurrency value) |
BenchmarkCurveName |
get(BenchmarkCurveName value) |
BenchmarkCurvePoint |
get(BenchmarkCurvePoint value) |
BenchmarkPrice |
get(BenchmarkPrice value) |
BenchmarkPriceType |
get(BenchmarkPriceType value) |
BenchmarkSecurityID |
get(BenchmarkSecurityID value) |
BenchmarkSecurityIDSource |
get(BenchmarkSecurityIDSource value) |
CancellationRights |
get(CancellationRights value) |
CFICode |
get(CFICode value) |
ComplianceID |
get(ComplianceID value) |
ContractMultiplier |
get(ContractMultiplier value) |
ContractSettlMonth |
get(ContractSettlMonth value) |
CountryOfIssue |
get(CountryOfIssue value) |
CouponPaymentDate |
get(CouponPaymentDate value) |
CouponRate |
get(CouponRate value) |
CPProgram |
get(CPProgram value) |
CPRegType |
get(CPRegType value) |
CreditRating |
get(CreditRating value) |
CrossID |
get(CrossID value) |
CrossPrioritization |
get(CrossPrioritization value) |
CrossType |
get(CrossType value) |
Currency |
get(Currency value) |
DatedDate |
get(DatedDate value) |
Designation |
get(Designation value) |
DiscretionInst |
get(DiscretionInst value) |
DiscretionInstructions |
get(DiscretionInstructions component) |
DiscretionLimitType |
get(DiscretionLimitType value) |
DiscretionMoveType |
get(DiscretionMoveType value) |
DiscretionOffsetType |
get(DiscretionOffsetType value) |
DiscretionOffsetValue |
get(DiscretionOffsetValue value) |
DiscretionRoundDirection |
get(DiscretionRoundDirection value) |
DiscretionScope |
get(DiscretionScope value) |
DisplayHighQty |
get(DisplayHighQty value) |
DisplayInstruction |
get(DisplayInstruction component) |
DisplayLowQty |
get(DisplayLowQty value) |
DisplayMethod |
get(DisplayMethod value) |
DisplayMinIncr |
get(DisplayMinIncr value) |
DisplayQty |
get(DisplayQty value) |
DisplayWhen |
get(DisplayWhen value) |
EffectiveTime |
get(EffectiveTime value) |
EncodedIssuer |
get(EncodedIssuer value) |
EncodedIssuerLen |
get(EncodedIssuerLen value) |
EncodedSecurityDesc |
get(EncodedSecurityDesc value) |
EncodedSecurityDescLen |
get(EncodedSecurityDescLen value) |
EvntGrp |
get(EvntGrp component) |
ExDestination |
get(ExDestination value) |
ExDestinationIDSource |
get(ExDestinationIDSource value) |
ExecInst |
get(ExecInst value) |
ExpireDate |
get(ExpireDate value) |
ExpireTime |
get(ExpireTime value) |
Factor |
get(Factor value) |
GTBookingInst |
get(GTBookingInst value) |
HandlInst |
get(HandlInst value) |
InstrmtAssignmentMethod |
get(InstrmtAssignmentMethod value) |
InstrmtLegGrp |
get(InstrmtLegGrp component) |
InstrRegistry |
get(InstrRegistry value) |
Instrument |
get(Instrument component) |
InstrumentParties |
get(InstrumentParties component) |
InterestAccrualDate |
get(InterestAccrualDate value) |
get(IOIID value) |
IssueDate |
get(IssueDate value) |
Issuer |
get(Issuer value) |
LocaleOfIssue |
get(LocaleOfIssue value) |
LocateReqd |
get(LocateReqd value) |
MatchIncrement |
get(MatchIncrement value) |
MaturityDate |
get(MaturityDate value) |
MaturityMonthYear |
get(MaturityMonthYear value) |
MaturityTime |
get(MaturityTime value) |
MaxFloor |
get(MaxFloor value) |
MaxPriceLevels |
get(MaxPriceLevels value) |
MaxShow |
get(MaxShow value) |
MinPriceIncrement |
get(MinPriceIncrement value) |
MinQty |
get(MinQty value) |
MoneyLaunderingStatus |
get(MoneyLaunderingStatus value) |
NoEvents |
get(NoEvents value) |
NoInstrumentParties |
get(NoInstrumentParties value) |
NoLegs |
get(NoLegs value) |
NoRootPartyIDs |
get(NoRootPartyIDs value) |
NoSecurityAltID |
get(NoSecurityAltID value) |
NoSides |
get(NoSides value) |
NoStipulations |
get(NoStipulations value) |
NoStrategyParameters |
get(NoStrategyParameters value) |
NoTradingSessions |
get(NoTradingSessions value) |
NoUnderlyings |
get(NoUnderlyings value) |
NTPositionLimit |
get(NTPositionLimit value) |
OptAttribute |
get(OptAttribute value) |
OrdType |
get(OrdType value) |
ParticipationRate |
get(ParticipationRate value) |
PegInstructions |
get(PegInstructions component) |
PegLimitType |
get(PegLimitType value) |
PegMoveType |
get(PegMoveType value) |
PegOffsetType |
get(PegOffsetType value) |
PegOffsetValue |
get(PegOffsetValue value) |
PegPriceType |
get(PegPriceType value) |
PegRoundDirection |
get(PegRoundDirection value) |
PegScope |
get(PegScope value) |
PegSecurityDesc |
get(PegSecurityDesc value) |
PegSecurityID |
get(PegSecurityID value) |
PegSecurityIDSource |
get(PegSecurityIDSource value) |
PegSymbol |
get(PegSymbol value) |
Pool |
get(Pool value) |
PositionLimit |
get(PositionLimit value) |
PrevClosePx |
get(PrevClosePx value) |
Price |
get(Price value) |
PriceProtectionScope |
get(PriceProtectionScope value) |
PriceType |
get(PriceType value) |
ProcessCode |
get(ProcessCode value) |
Product |
get(Product value) |
QuoteID |
get(QuoteID value) |
RedemptionDate |
get(RedemptionDate value) |
RefreshQty |
get(RefreshQty value) |
RegistID |
get(RegistID value) |
RepoCollateralSecurityType |
get(RepoCollateralSecurityType value) |
RepurchaseRate |
get(RepurchaseRate value) |
RepurchaseTerm |
get(RepurchaseTerm value) |
RootParties |
get(RootParties component) |
SecAltIDGrp |
get(SecAltIDGrp component) |
SecondaryDisplayQty |
get(SecondaryDisplayQty value) |
SecurityDesc |
get(SecurityDesc value) |
SecurityExchange |
get(SecurityExchange value) |
SecurityID |
get(SecurityID value) |
SecurityIDSource |
get(SecurityIDSource value) |
SecurityStatus |
get(SecurityStatus value) |
SecuritySubType |
get(SecuritySubType value) |
SecurityType |
get(SecurityType value) |
SettlDate |
get(SettlDate value) |
SettleOnOpenFlag |
get(SettleOnOpenFlag value) |
SettlType |
get(SettlType value) |
SideCrossOrdModGrp |
get(SideCrossOrdModGrp component) |
Spread |
get(Spread value) |
SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData |
get(SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData component) |
StateOrProvinceOfIssue |
get(StateOrProvinceOfIssue value) |
Stipulations |
get(Stipulations component) |
StopPx |
get(StopPx value) |
StrategyParametersGrp |
get(StrategyParametersGrp component) |
StrikeCurrency |
get(StrikeCurrency value) |
StrikeMultiplier |
get(StrikeMultiplier value) |
StrikePrice |
get(StrikePrice value) |
StrikeValue |
get(StrikeValue value) |
Symbol |
get(Symbol value) |
SymbolSfx |
get(SymbolSfx value) |
TargetStrategy |
get(TargetStrategy value) |
TargetStrategyParameters |
get(TargetStrategyParameters value) |
TimeInForce |
get(TimeInForce value) |
TimeUnit |
get(TimeUnit value) |
TransactTime |
get(TransactTime value) |
TransBkdTime |
get(TransBkdTime value) |
TrdgSesGrp |
get(TrdgSesGrp component) |
TriggerAction |
get(TriggerAction value) |
TriggeringInstruction |
get(TriggeringInstruction component) |
TriggerNewPrice |
get(TriggerNewPrice value) |
TriggerNewQty |
get(TriggerNewQty value) |
TriggerOrderType |
get(TriggerOrderType value) |
TriggerPrice |
get(TriggerPrice value) |
TriggerPriceDirection |
get(TriggerPriceDirection value) |
TriggerPriceType |
get(TriggerPriceType value) |
TriggerPriceTypeScope |
get(TriggerPriceTypeScope value) |
TriggerSecurityDesc |
get(TriggerSecurityDesc value) |
TriggerSecurityID |
get(TriggerSecurityID value) |
TriggerSecurityIDSource |
get(TriggerSecurityIDSource value) |
TriggerSymbol |
get(TriggerSymbol value) |
TriggerTradingSessionID |
get(TriggerTradingSessionID value) |
TriggerTradingSessionSubID |
get(TriggerTradingSessionSubID value) |
TriggerType |
get(TriggerType value) |
UndInstrmtGrp |
get(UndInstrmtGrp component) |
UnitOfMeasure |
get(UnitOfMeasure value) |
Yield |
get(Yield value) |
YieldCalcDate |
get(YieldCalcDate value) |
YieldData |
get(YieldData component) |
YieldRedemptionDate |
get(YieldRedemptionDate value) |
YieldRedemptionPrice |
get(YieldRedemptionPrice value) |
YieldRedemptionPriceType |
get(YieldRedemptionPriceType value) |
YieldType |
get(YieldType value) |
BenchmarkCurveCurrency |
getBenchmarkCurveCurrency() |
BenchmarkCurveName |
getBenchmarkCurveName() |
BenchmarkCurvePoint |
getBenchmarkCurvePoint() |
BenchmarkPrice |
getBenchmarkPrice() |
BenchmarkPriceType |
getBenchmarkPriceType() |
BenchmarkSecurityID |
getBenchmarkSecurityID() |
BenchmarkSecurityIDSource |
getBenchmarkSecurityIDSource() |
CancellationRights |
getCancellationRights() |
CFICode |
getCFICode() |
ComplianceID |
getComplianceID() |
ContractMultiplier |
getContractMultiplier() |
ContractSettlMonth |
getContractSettlMonth() |
CountryOfIssue |
getCountryOfIssue() |
CouponPaymentDate |
getCouponPaymentDate() |
CouponRate |
getCouponRate() |
CPProgram |
getCPProgram() |
CPRegType |
getCPRegType() |
CreditRating |
getCreditRating() |
CrossID |
getCrossID() |
CrossPrioritization |
getCrossPrioritization() |
CrossType |
getCrossType() |
Currency |
getCurrency() |
DatedDate |
getDatedDate() |
Designation |
getDesignation() |
DiscretionInst |
getDiscretionInst() |
DiscretionInstructions |
getDiscretionInstructions() |
DiscretionLimitType |
getDiscretionLimitType() |
DiscretionMoveType |
getDiscretionMoveType() |
DiscretionOffsetType |
getDiscretionOffsetType() |
DiscretionOffsetValue |
getDiscretionOffsetValue() |
DiscretionRoundDirection |
getDiscretionRoundDirection() |
DiscretionScope |
getDiscretionScope() |
DisplayHighQty |
getDisplayHighQty() |
DisplayInstruction |
getDisplayInstruction() |
DisplayLowQty |
getDisplayLowQty() |
DisplayMethod |
getDisplayMethod() |
DisplayMinIncr |
getDisplayMinIncr() |
DisplayQty |
getDisplayQty() |
DisplayWhen |
getDisplayWhen() |
EffectiveTime |
getEffectiveTime() |
EncodedIssuer |
getEncodedIssuer() |
EncodedIssuerLen |
getEncodedIssuerLen() |
EncodedSecurityDesc |
getEncodedSecurityDesc() |
EncodedSecurityDescLen |
getEncodedSecurityDescLen() |
EvntGrp |
getEvntGrp() |
ExDestination |
getExDestination() |
ExDestinationIDSource |
getExDestinationIDSource() |
ExecInst |
getExecInst() |
ExpireDate |
getExpireDate() |
ExpireTime |
getExpireTime() |
Factor |
getFactor() |
GTBookingInst |
getGTBookingInst() |
HandlInst |
getHandlInst() |
InstrmtAssignmentMethod |
getInstrmtAssignmentMethod() |
InstrmtLegGrp |
getInstrmtLegGrp() |
InstrRegistry |
getInstrRegistry() |
Instrument |
getInstrument() |
InstrumentParties |
getInstrumentParties() |
InterestAccrualDate |
getInterestAccrualDate() |
getIOIID() |
IssueDate |
getIssueDate() |
Issuer |
getIssuer() |
LocaleOfIssue |
getLocaleOfIssue() |
LocateReqd |
getLocateReqd() |
MatchIncrement |
getMatchIncrement() |
MaturityDate |
getMaturityDate() |
MaturityMonthYear |
getMaturityMonthYear() |
MaturityTime |
getMaturityTime() |
MaxFloor |
getMaxFloor() |
MaxPriceLevels |
getMaxPriceLevels() |
MaxShow |
getMaxShow() |
MinPriceIncrement |
getMinPriceIncrement() |
MinQty |
getMinQty() |
MoneyLaunderingStatus |
getMoneyLaunderingStatus() |
NoEvents |
getNoEvents() |
NoInstrumentParties |
getNoInstrumentParties() |
NoLegs |
getNoLegs() |
NoRootPartyIDs |
getNoRootPartyIDs() |
NoSecurityAltID |
getNoSecurityAltID() |
NoSides |
getNoSides() |
NoStipulations |
getNoStipulations() |
NoStrategyParameters |
getNoStrategyParameters() |
NoTradingSessions |
getNoTradingSessions() |
NoUnderlyings |
getNoUnderlyings() |
NTPositionLimit |
getNTPositionLimit() |
OptAttribute |
getOptAttribute() |
OrdType |
getOrdType() |
ParticipationRate |
getParticipationRate() |
PegInstructions |
getPegInstructions() |
PegLimitType |
getPegLimitType() |
PegMoveType |
getPegMoveType() |
PegOffsetType |
getPegOffsetType() |
PegOffsetValue |
getPegOffsetValue() |
PegPriceType |
getPegPriceType() |
PegRoundDirection |
getPegRoundDirection() |
PegScope |
getPegScope() |
PegSecurityDesc |
getPegSecurityDesc() |
PegSecurityID |
getPegSecurityID() |
PegSecurityIDSource |
getPegSecurityIDSource() |
PegSymbol |
getPegSymbol() |
Pool |
getPool() |
PositionLimit |
getPositionLimit() |
PrevClosePx |
getPrevClosePx() |
Price |
getPrice() |
PriceProtectionScope |
getPriceProtectionScope() |
PriceType |
getPriceType() |
ProcessCode |
getProcessCode() |
Product |
getProduct() |
QuoteID |
getQuoteID() |
RedemptionDate |
getRedemptionDate() |
RefreshQty |
getRefreshQty() |
RegistID |
getRegistID() |
RepoCollateralSecurityType |
getRepoCollateralSecurityType() |
RepurchaseRate |
getRepurchaseRate() |
RepurchaseTerm |
getRepurchaseTerm() |
RootParties |
getRootParties() |
SecAltIDGrp |
getSecAltIDGrp() |
SecondaryDisplayQty |
getSecondaryDisplayQty() |
SecurityDesc |
getSecurityDesc() |
SecurityExchange |
getSecurityExchange() |
SecurityID |
getSecurityID() |
SecurityIDSource |
getSecurityIDSource() |
SecurityStatus |
getSecurityStatus() |
SecuritySubType |
getSecuritySubType() |
SecurityType |
getSecurityType() |
SettlDate |
getSettlDate() |
SettleOnOpenFlag |
getSettleOnOpenFlag() |
SettlType |
getSettlType() |
SideCrossOrdModGrp |
getSideCrossOrdModGrp() |
Spread |
getSpread() |
SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData |
getSpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData() |
StateOrProvinceOfIssue |
getStateOrProvinceOfIssue() |
Stipulations |
getStipulations() |
StopPx |
getStopPx() |
StrategyParametersGrp |
getStrategyParametersGrp() |
StrikeCurrency |
getStrikeCurrency() |
StrikeMultiplier |
getStrikeMultiplier() |
StrikePrice |
getStrikePrice() |
StrikeValue |
getStrikeValue() |
Symbol |
getSymbol() |
SymbolSfx |
getSymbolSfx() |
TargetStrategy |
getTargetStrategy() |
TargetStrategyParameters |
getTargetStrategyParameters() |
TimeInForce |
getTimeInForce() |
TimeUnit |
getTimeUnit() |
TransactTime |
getTransactTime() |
TransBkdTime |
getTransBkdTime() |
TrdgSesGrp |
getTrdgSesGrp() |
TriggerAction |
getTriggerAction() |
TriggeringInstruction |
getTriggeringInstruction() |
TriggerNewPrice |
getTriggerNewPrice() |
TriggerNewQty |
getTriggerNewQty() |
TriggerOrderType |
getTriggerOrderType() |
TriggerPrice |
getTriggerPrice() |
TriggerPriceDirection |
getTriggerPriceDirection() |
TriggerPriceType |
getTriggerPriceType() |
TriggerPriceTypeScope |
getTriggerPriceTypeScope() |
TriggerSecurityDesc |
getTriggerSecurityDesc() |
TriggerSecurityID |
getTriggerSecurityID() |
TriggerSecurityIDSource |
getTriggerSecurityIDSource() |
TriggerSymbol |
getTriggerSymbol() |
TriggerTradingSessionID |
getTriggerTradingSessionID() |
TriggerTradingSessionSubID |
getTriggerTradingSessionSubID() |
TriggerType |
getTriggerType() |
UndInstrmtGrp |
getUndInstrmtGrp() |
UnitOfMeasure |
getUnitOfMeasure() |
Yield |
getYield() |
YieldCalcDate |
getYieldCalcDate() |
YieldData |
getYieldData() |
YieldRedemptionDate |
getYieldRedemptionDate() |
YieldRedemptionPrice |
getYieldRedemptionPrice() |
YieldRedemptionPriceType |
getYieldRedemptionPriceType() |
YieldType |
getYieldType() |
boolean |
isSet(BenchmarkCurveCurrency field) |
boolean |
isSet(BenchmarkCurveName field) |
boolean |
isSet(BenchmarkCurvePoint field) |
boolean |
isSet(BenchmarkPrice field) |
boolean |
isSet(BenchmarkPriceType field) |
boolean |
isSet(BenchmarkSecurityID field) |
boolean |
isSet(BenchmarkSecurityIDSource field) |
boolean |
isSet(CancellationRights field) |
boolean |
isSet(CFICode field) |
boolean |
isSet(ComplianceID field) |
boolean |
isSet(ContractMultiplier field) |
boolean |
isSet(ContractSettlMonth field) |
boolean |
isSet(CountryOfIssue field) |
boolean |
isSet(CouponPaymentDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(CouponRate field) |
boolean |
isSet(CPProgram field) |
boolean |
isSet(CPRegType field) |
boolean |
isSet(CreditRating field) |
boolean |
isSet(CrossID field) |
boolean |
isSet(CrossPrioritization field) |
boolean |
isSet(CrossType field) |
boolean |
isSet(Currency field) |
boolean |
isSet(DatedDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(Designation field) |
boolean |
isSet(DiscretionInst field) |
boolean |
isSet(DiscretionLimitType field) |
boolean |
isSet(DiscretionMoveType field) |
boolean |
isSet(DiscretionOffsetType field) |
boolean |
isSet(DiscretionOffsetValue field) |
boolean |
isSet(DiscretionRoundDirection field) |
boolean |
isSet(DiscretionScope field) |
boolean |
isSet(DisplayHighQty field) |
boolean |
isSet(DisplayLowQty field) |
boolean |
isSet(DisplayMethod field) |
boolean |
isSet(DisplayMinIncr field) |
boolean |
isSet(DisplayQty field) |
boolean |
isSet(DisplayWhen field) |
boolean |
isSet(EffectiveTime field) |
boolean |
isSet(EncodedIssuer field) |
boolean |
isSet(EncodedIssuerLen field) |
boolean |
isSet(EncodedSecurityDesc field) |
boolean |
isSet(EncodedSecurityDescLen field) |
boolean |
isSet(ExDestination field) |
boolean |
isSet(ExDestinationIDSource field) |
boolean |
isSet(ExecInst field) |
boolean |
isSet(ExpireDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(ExpireTime field) |
boolean |
isSet(Factor field) |
boolean |
isSet(GTBookingInst field) |
boolean |
isSet(HandlInst field) |
boolean |
isSet(InstrmtAssignmentMethod field) |
boolean |
isSet(InstrRegistry field) |
boolean |
isSet(InterestAccrualDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(IOIID field) |
boolean |
isSet(IssueDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(Issuer field) |
boolean |
isSet(LocaleOfIssue field) |
boolean |
isSet(LocateReqd field) |
boolean |
isSet(MatchIncrement field) |
boolean |
isSet(MaturityDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(MaturityMonthYear field) |
boolean |
isSet(MaturityTime field) |
boolean |
isSet(MaxFloor field) |
boolean |
isSet(MaxPriceLevels field) |
boolean |
isSet(MaxShow field) |
boolean |
isSet(MinPriceIncrement field) |
boolean |
isSet(MinQty field) |
boolean |
isSet(MoneyLaunderingStatus field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoEvents field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoInstrumentParties field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoLegs field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoRootPartyIDs field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoSecurityAltID field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoSides field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoStipulations field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoStrategyParameters field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoTradingSessions field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoUnderlyings field) |
boolean |
isSet(NTPositionLimit field) |
boolean |
isSet(OptAttribute field) |
boolean |
isSet(OrdType field) |
boolean |
isSet(ParticipationRate field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegLimitType field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegMoveType field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegOffsetType field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegOffsetValue field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegPriceType field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegRoundDirection field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegScope field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegSecurityDesc field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegSecurityID field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegSecurityIDSource field) |
boolean |
isSet(PegSymbol field) |
boolean |
isSet(Pool field) |
boolean |
isSet(PositionLimit field) |
boolean |
isSet(PrevClosePx field) |
boolean |
isSet(Price field) |
boolean |
isSet(PriceProtectionScope field) |
boolean |
isSet(PriceType field) |
boolean |
isSet(ProcessCode field) |
boolean |
isSet(Product field) |
boolean |
isSet(QuoteID field) |
boolean |
isSet(RedemptionDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(RefreshQty field) |
boolean |
isSet(RegistID field) |
boolean |
isSet(RepoCollateralSecurityType field) |
boolean |
isSet(RepurchaseRate field) |
boolean |
isSet(RepurchaseTerm field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecondaryDisplayQty field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityDesc field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityExchange field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityID field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityIDSource field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityStatus field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecuritySubType field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityType field) |
boolean |
isSet(SettlDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(SettleOnOpenFlag field) |
boolean |
isSet(SettlType field) |
boolean |
isSet(Spread field) |
boolean |
isSet(StateOrProvinceOfIssue field) |
boolean |
isSet(StopPx field) |
boolean |
isSet(StrikeCurrency field) |
boolean |
isSet(StrikeMultiplier field) |
boolean |
isSet(StrikePrice field) |
boolean |
isSet(StrikeValue field) |
boolean |
isSet(Symbol field) |
boolean |
isSet(SymbolSfx field) |
boolean |
isSet(TargetStrategy field) |
boolean |
isSet(TargetStrategyParameters field) |
boolean |
isSet(TimeInForce field) |
boolean |
isSet(TimeUnit field) |
boolean |
isSet(TransactTime field) |
boolean |
isSet(TransBkdTime field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerAction field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerNewPrice field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerNewQty field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerOrderType field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerPrice field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerPriceDirection field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerPriceType field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerPriceTypeScope field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerSecurityDesc field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerSecurityID field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerSecurityIDSource field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerSymbol field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerTradingSessionID field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerTradingSessionSubID field) |
boolean |
isSet(TriggerType field) |
boolean |
isSet(UnitOfMeasure field) |
boolean |
isSet(Yield field) |
boolean |
isSet(YieldCalcDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(YieldRedemptionDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(YieldRedemptionPrice field) |
boolean |
isSet(YieldRedemptionPriceType field) |
boolean |
isSet(YieldType field) |
boolean |
isSetBenchmarkCurveCurrency() |
boolean |
isSetBenchmarkCurveName() |
boolean |
isSetBenchmarkCurvePoint() |
boolean |
isSetBenchmarkPrice() |
boolean |
isSetBenchmarkPriceType() |
boolean |
isSetBenchmarkSecurityID() |
boolean |
isSetBenchmarkSecurityIDSource() |
boolean |
isSetCancellationRights() |
boolean |
isSetCFICode() |
boolean |
isSetComplianceID() |
boolean |
isSetContractMultiplier() |
boolean |
isSetContractSettlMonth() |
boolean |
isSetCountryOfIssue() |
boolean |
isSetCouponPaymentDate() |
boolean |
isSetCouponRate() |
boolean |
isSetCPProgram() |
boolean |
isSetCPRegType() |
boolean |
isSetCreditRating() |
boolean |
isSetCrossID() |
boolean |
isSetCrossPrioritization() |
boolean |
isSetCrossType() |
boolean |
isSetCurrency() |
boolean |
isSetDatedDate() |
boolean |
isSetDesignation() |
boolean |
isSetDiscretionInst() |
boolean |
isSetDiscretionLimitType() |
boolean |
isSetDiscretionMoveType() |
boolean |
isSetDiscretionOffsetType() |
boolean |
isSetDiscretionOffsetValue() |
boolean |
isSetDiscretionRoundDirection() |
boolean |
isSetDiscretionScope() |
boolean |
isSetDisplayHighQty() |
boolean |
isSetDisplayLowQty() |
boolean |
isSetDisplayMethod() |
boolean |
isSetDisplayMinIncr() |
boolean |
isSetDisplayQty() |
boolean |
isSetDisplayWhen() |
boolean |
isSetEffectiveTime() |
boolean |
isSetEncodedIssuer() |
boolean |
isSetEncodedIssuerLen() |
boolean |
isSetEncodedSecurityDesc() |
boolean |
isSetEncodedSecurityDescLen() |
boolean |
isSetExDestination() |
boolean |
isSetExDestinationIDSource() |
boolean |
isSetExecInst() |
boolean |
isSetExpireDate() |
boolean |
isSetExpireTime() |
boolean |
isSetFactor() |
boolean |
isSetGTBookingInst() |
boolean |
isSetHandlInst() |
boolean |
isSetInstrmtAssignmentMethod() |
boolean |
isSetInstrRegistry() |
boolean |
isSetInterestAccrualDate() |
boolean |
isSetIOIID() |
boolean |
isSetIssueDate() |
boolean |
isSetIssuer() |
boolean |
isSetLocaleOfIssue() |
boolean |
isSetLocateReqd() |
boolean |
isSetMatchIncrement() |
boolean |
isSetMaturityDate() |
boolean |
isSetMaturityMonthYear() |
boolean |
isSetMaturityTime() |
boolean |
isSetMaxFloor() |
boolean |
isSetMaxPriceLevels() |
boolean |
isSetMaxShow() |
boolean |
isSetMinPriceIncrement() |
boolean |
isSetMinQty() |
boolean |
isSetMoneyLaunderingStatus() |
boolean |
isSetNoEvents() |
boolean |
isSetNoInstrumentParties() |
boolean |
isSetNoLegs() |
boolean |
isSetNoRootPartyIDs() |
boolean |
isSetNoSecurityAltID() |
boolean |
isSetNoSides() |
boolean |
isSetNoStipulations() |
boolean |
isSetNoStrategyParameters() |
boolean |
isSetNoTradingSessions() |
boolean |
isSetNoUnderlyings() |
boolean |
isSetNTPositionLimit() |
boolean |
isSetOptAttribute() |
boolean |
isSetOrdType() |
boolean |
isSetParticipationRate() |
boolean |
isSetPegLimitType() |
boolean |
isSetPegMoveType() |
boolean |
isSetPegOffsetType() |
boolean |
isSetPegOffsetValue() |
boolean |
isSetPegPriceType() |
boolean |
isSetPegRoundDirection() |
boolean |
isSetPegScope() |
boolean |
isSetPegSecurityDesc() |
boolean |
isSetPegSecurityID() |
boolean |
isSetPegSecurityIDSource() |
boolean |
isSetPegSymbol() |
boolean |
isSetPool() |
boolean |
isSetPositionLimit() |
boolean |
isSetPrevClosePx() |
boolean |
isSetPrice() |
boolean |
isSetPriceProtectionScope() |
boolean |
isSetPriceType() |
boolean |
isSetProcessCode() |
boolean |
isSetProduct() |
boolean |
isSetQuoteID() |
boolean |
isSetRedemptionDate() |
boolean |
isSetRefreshQty() |
boolean |
isSetRegistID() |
boolean |
isSetRepoCollateralSecurityType() |
boolean |
isSetRepurchaseRate() |
boolean |
isSetRepurchaseTerm() |
boolean |
isSetSecondaryDisplayQty() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityDesc() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityExchange() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityID() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityIDSource() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityStatus() |
boolean |
isSetSecuritySubType() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityType() |
boolean |
isSetSettlDate() |
boolean |
isSetSettleOnOpenFlag() |
boolean |
isSetSettlType() |
boolean |
isSetSpread() |
boolean |
isSetStateOrProvinceOfIssue() |
boolean |
isSetStopPx() |
boolean |
isSetStrikeCurrency() |
boolean |
isSetStrikeMultiplier() |
boolean |
isSetStrikePrice() |
boolean |
isSetStrikeValue() |
boolean |
isSetSymbol() |
boolean |
isSetSymbolSfx() |
boolean |
isSetTargetStrategy() |
boolean |
isSetTargetStrategyParameters() |
boolean |
isSetTimeInForce() |
boolean |
isSetTimeUnit() |
boolean |
isSetTransactTime() |
boolean |
isSetTransBkdTime() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerAction() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerNewPrice() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerNewQty() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerOrderType() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerPrice() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerPriceDirection() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerPriceType() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerPriceTypeScope() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerSecurityDesc() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerSecurityID() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerSecurityIDSource() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerSymbol() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerTradingSessionID() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerTradingSessionSubID() |
boolean |
isSetTriggerType() |
boolean |
isSetUnitOfMeasure() |
boolean |
isSetYield() |
boolean |
isSetYieldCalcDate() |
boolean |
isSetYieldRedemptionDate() |
boolean |
isSetYieldRedemptionPrice() |
boolean |
isSetYieldRedemptionPriceType() |
boolean |
isSetYieldType() |
void |
set(BenchmarkCurveCurrency value) |
void |
set(BenchmarkCurveName value) |
void |
set(BenchmarkCurvePoint value) |
void |
set(BenchmarkPrice value) |
void |
set(BenchmarkPriceType value) |
void |
set(BenchmarkSecurityID value) |
void |
set(BenchmarkSecurityIDSource value) |
void |
set(CancellationRights value) |
void |
set(CFICode value) |
void |
set(ComplianceID value) |
void |
set(ContractMultiplier value) |
void |
set(ContractSettlMonth value) |
void |
set(CountryOfIssue value) |
void |
set(CouponPaymentDate value) |
void |
set(CouponRate value) |
void |
set(CPProgram value) |
void |
set(CPRegType value) |
void |
set(CreditRating value) |
void |
set(CrossID value) |
void |
set(CrossPrioritization value) |
void |
set(CrossType value) |
void |
set(Currency value) |
void |
set(DatedDate value) |
void |
set(Designation value) |
void |
set(DiscretionInst value) |
void |
set(DiscretionInstructions component) |
void |
set(DiscretionLimitType value) |
void |
set(DiscretionMoveType value) |
void |
set(DiscretionOffsetType value) |
void |
set(DiscretionOffsetValue value) |
void |
set(DiscretionRoundDirection value) |
void |
set(DiscretionScope value) |
void |
set(DisplayHighQty value) |
void |
set(DisplayInstruction component) |
void |
set(DisplayLowQty value) |
void |
set(DisplayMethod value) |
void |
set(DisplayMinIncr value) |
void |
set(DisplayQty value) |
void |
set(DisplayWhen value) |
void |
set(EffectiveTime value) |
void |
set(EncodedIssuer value) |
void |
set(EncodedIssuerLen value) |
void |
set(EncodedSecurityDesc value) |
void |
set(EncodedSecurityDescLen value) |
void |
set(EvntGrp component) |
void |
set(ExDestination value) |
void |
set(ExDestinationIDSource value) |
void |
set(ExecInst value) |
void |
set(ExpireDate value) |
void |
set(ExpireTime value) |
void |
set(Factor value) |
void |
set(GTBookingInst value) |
void |
set(HandlInst value) |
void |
set(InstrmtAssignmentMethod value) |
void |
set(InstrmtLegGrp component) |
void |
set(InstrRegistry value) |
void |
set(Instrument component) |
void |
set(InstrumentParties component) |
void |
set(InterestAccrualDate value) |
void |
set(IOIID value) |
void |
set(IssueDate value) |
void |
set(Issuer value) |
void |
set(LocaleOfIssue value) |
void |
set(LocateReqd value) |
void |
set(MatchIncrement value) |
void |
set(MaturityDate value) |
void |
set(MaturityMonthYear value) |
void |
set(MaturityTime value) |
void |
set(MaxFloor value) |
void |
set(MaxPriceLevels value) |
void |
set(MaxShow value) |
void |
set(MinPriceIncrement value) |
void |
set(MinQty value) |
void |
set(MoneyLaunderingStatus value) |
void |
set(NoEvents value) |
void |
set(NoInstrumentParties value) |
void |
set(NoLegs value) |
void |
set(NoRootPartyIDs value) |
void |
set(NoSecurityAltID value) |
void |
set(NoSides value) |
void |
set(NoStipulations value) |
void |
set(NoStrategyParameters value) |
void |
set(NoTradingSessions value) |
void |
set(NoUnderlyings value) |
void |
set(NTPositionLimit value) |
void |
set(OptAttribute value) |
void |
set(OrdType value) |
void |
set(ParticipationRate value) |
void |
set(PegInstructions component) |
void |
set(PegLimitType value) |
void |
set(PegMoveType value) |
void |
set(PegOffsetType value) |
void |
set(PegOffsetValue value) |
void |
set(PegPriceType value) |
void |
set(PegRoundDirection value) |
void |
set(PegScope value) |
void |
set(PegSecurityDesc value) |
void |
set(PegSecurityID value) |
void |
set(PegSecurityIDSource value) |
void |
set(PegSymbol value) |
void |
set(Pool value) |
void |
set(PositionLimit value) |
void |
set(PrevClosePx value) |
void |
set(Price value) |
void |
set(PriceProtectionScope value) |
void |
set(PriceType value) |
void |
set(ProcessCode value) |
void |
set(Product value) |
void |
set(QuoteID value) |
void |
set(RedemptionDate value) |
void |
set(RefreshQty value) |
void |
set(RegistID value) |
void |
set(RepoCollateralSecurityType value) |
void |
set(RepurchaseRate value) |
void |
set(RepurchaseTerm value) |
void |
set(RootParties component) |
void |
set(SecAltIDGrp component) |
void |
set(SecondaryDisplayQty value) |
void |
set(SecurityDesc value) |
void |
set(SecurityExchange value) |
void |
set(SecurityID value) |
void |
set(SecurityIDSource value) |
void |
set(SecurityStatus value) |
void |
set(SecuritySubType value) |
void |
set(SecurityType value) |
void |
set(SettlDate value) |
void |
set(SettleOnOpenFlag value) |
void |
set(SettlType value) |
void |
set(SideCrossOrdModGrp component) |
void |
set(Spread value) |
void |
set(SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData component) |
void |
set(StateOrProvinceOfIssue value) |
void |
set(Stipulations component) |
void |
set(StopPx value) |
void |
set(StrategyParametersGrp component) |
void |
set(StrikeCurrency value) |
void |
set(StrikeMultiplier value) |
void |
set(StrikePrice value) |
void |
set(StrikeValue value) |
void |
set(Symbol value) |
void |
set(SymbolSfx value) |
void |
set(TargetStrategy value) |
void |
set(TargetStrategyParameters value) |
void |
set(TimeInForce value) |
void |
set(TimeUnit value) |
void |
set(TransactTime value) |
void |
set(TransBkdTime value) |
void |
set(TrdgSesGrp component) |
void |
set(TriggerAction value) |
void |
set(TriggeringInstruction component) |
void |
set(TriggerNewPrice value) |
void |
set(TriggerNewQty value) |
void |
set(TriggerOrderType value) |
void |
set(TriggerPrice value) |
void |
set(TriggerPriceDirection value) |
void |
set(TriggerPriceType value) |
void |
set(TriggerPriceTypeScope value) |
void |
set(TriggerSecurityDesc value) |
void |
set(TriggerSecurityID value) |
void |
set(TriggerSecurityIDSource value) |
void |
set(TriggerSymbol value) |
void |
set(TriggerTradingSessionID value) |
void |
set(TriggerTradingSessionSubID value) |
void |
set(TriggerType value) |
void |
set(UndInstrmtGrp component) |
void |
set(UnitOfMeasure value) |
void |
set(Yield value) |
void |
set(YieldCalcDate value) |
void |
set(YieldData component) |
void |
set(YieldRedemptionDate value) |
void |
set(YieldRedemptionPrice value) |
void |
set(YieldRedemptionPriceType value) |
void |
set(YieldType value) |