Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
AsOfIndicator |
get(AsOfIndicator value) |
AvgPx |
get(AvgPx value) |
AvgPxIndicator |
get(AvgPxIndicator value) |
CalculatedCcyLastQty |
get(CalculatedCcyLastQty value) |
CapPrice |
get(CapPrice value) |
CFICode |
get(CFICode value) |
ClearingBusinessDate |
get(ClearingBusinessDate value) |
ClearingFeeIndicator |
get(ClearingFeeIndicator value) |
ContractMultiplier |
get(ContractMultiplier value) |
ContractSettlMonth |
get(ContractSettlMonth value) |
CopyMsgIndicator |
get(CopyMsgIndicator value) |
CountryOfIssue |
get(CountryOfIssue value) |
CouponPaymentDate |
get(CouponPaymentDate value) |
CouponRate |
get(CouponRate value) |
CPProgram |
get(CPProgram value) |
CPRegType |
get(CPRegType value) |
CreditRating |
get(CreditRating value) |
Currency |
get(Currency value) |
DatedDate |
get(DatedDate value) |
EncodedIssuer |
get(EncodedIssuer value) |
EncodedIssuerLen |
get(EncodedIssuerLen value) |
EncodedSecurityDesc |
get(EncodedSecurityDesc value) |
EncodedSecurityDescLen |
get(EncodedSecurityDescLen value) |
EncodedText |
get(EncodedText value) |
EncodedTextLen |
get(EncodedTextLen value) |
EvntGrp |
get(EvntGrp component) |
ExecID |
get(ExecID value) |
ExecRestatementReason |
get(ExecRestatementReason value) |
ExecType |
get(ExecType value) |
ExerciseStyle |
get(ExerciseStyle value) |
Factor |
get(Factor value) |
FeeMultiplier |
get(FeeMultiplier value) |
FirmTradeID |
get(FirmTradeID value) |
FlexibleIndicator |
get(FlexibleIndicator value) |
FlexProductEligibilityIndicator |
get(FlexProductEligibilityIndicator value) |
FloorPrice |
get(FloorPrice value) |
FuturesValuationMethod |
get(FuturesValuationMethod value) |
GrossTradeAmt |
get(GrossTradeAmt value) |
InstrmtAssignmentMethod |
get(InstrmtAssignmentMethod value) |
InstrRegistry |
get(InstrRegistry value) |
Instrument |
get(Instrument component) |
InstrumentParties |
get(InstrumentParties component) |
InterestAccrualDate |
get(InterestAccrualDate value) |
IssueDate |
get(IssueDate value) |
Issuer |
get(Issuer value) |
LastForwardPoints |
get(LastForwardPoints value) |
LastMkt |
get(LastMkt value) |
LastParPx |
get(LastParPx value) |
LastPx |
get(LastPx value) |
LastQty |
get(LastQty value) |
LastSpotRate |
get(LastSpotRate value) |
LastSwapPoints |
get(LastSwapPoints value) |
LastUpdateTime |
get(LastUpdateTime value) |
ListMethod |
get(ListMethod value) |
LocaleOfIssue |
get(LocaleOfIssue value) |
MatchStatus |
get(MatchStatus value) |
MatchType |
get(MatchType value) |
MaturityDate |
get(MaturityDate value) |
MaturityMonthYear |
get(MaturityMonthYear value) |
MaturityTime |
get(MaturityTime value) |
MessageEventSource |
get(MessageEventSource value) |
MinPriceIncrement |
get(MinPriceIncrement value) |
MinPriceIncrementAmount |
get(MinPriceIncrementAmount value) |
MultiLegReportingType |
get(MultiLegReportingType value) |
NoEvents |
get(NoEvents value) |
NoInstrumentParties |
get(NoInstrumentParties value) |
NoLegs |
get(NoLegs value) |
NoPosAmt |
get(NoPosAmt value) |
NoRootPartyIDs |
get(NoRootPartyIDs value) |
NoSecurityAltID |
get(NoSecurityAltID value) |
NoSides |
get(NoSides value) |
NoTrdRegTimestamps |
get(NoTrdRegTimestamps value) |
NoTrdRepIndicators |
get(NoTrdRepIndicators value) |
NoUnderlyings |
get(NoUnderlyings value) |
NTPositionLimit |
get(NTPositionLimit value) |
OptAttribute |
get(OptAttribute value) |
OptPayAmount |
get(OptPayAmount value) |
OrdStatus |
get(OrdStatus value) |
OrigSecondaryTradeID |
get(OrigSecondaryTradeID value) |
OrigTradeDate |
get(OrigTradeDate value) |
OrigTradeHandlingInstr |
get(OrigTradeHandlingInstr value) |
OrigTradeID |
get(OrigTradeID value) |
Pool |
get(Pool value) |
PositionAmountData |
get(PositionAmountData component) |
PositionLimit |
get(PositionLimit value) |
PreviouslyReported |
get(PreviouslyReported value) |
PriceQuoteMethod |
get(PriceQuoteMethod value) |
PriceType |
get(PriceType value) |
PriceUnitOfMeasure |
get(PriceUnitOfMeasure value) |
PriceUnitOfMeasureQty |
get(PriceUnitOfMeasureQty value) |
Product |
get(Product value) |
ProductComplex |
get(ProductComplex value) |
PublishTrdIndicator |
get(PublishTrdIndicator value) |
PutOrCall |
get(PutOrCall value) |
QtyType |
get(QtyType value) |
RedemptionDate |
get(RedemptionDate value) |
RepoCollateralSecurityType |
get(RepoCollateralSecurityType value) |
RepurchaseRate |
get(RepurchaseRate value) |
RepurchaseTerm |
get(RepurchaseTerm value) |
ResponseDestination |
get(ResponseDestination value) |
ResponseTransportType |
get(ResponseTransportType value) |
RndPx |
get(RndPx value) |
RootParties |
get(RootParties component) |
RptSys |
get(RptSys value) |
SecAltIDGrp |
get(SecAltIDGrp component) |
SecondaryExecID |
get(SecondaryExecID value) |
SecondaryFirmTradeID |
get(SecondaryFirmTradeID value) |
SecondaryTradeID |
get(SecondaryTradeID value) |
SecondaryTradeReportID |
get(SecondaryTradeReportID value) |
SecondaryTradeReportRefID |
get(SecondaryTradeReportRefID value) |
SecondaryTrdType |
get(SecondaryTrdType value) |
SecurityDesc |
get(SecurityDesc value) |
SecurityExchange |
get(SecurityExchange value) |
SecurityGroup |
get(SecurityGroup value) |
SecurityID |
get(SecurityID value) |
SecurityIDSource |
get(SecurityIDSource value) |
SecurityStatus |
get(SecurityStatus value) |
SecuritySubType |
get(SecuritySubType value) |
SecurityType |
get(SecurityType value) |
SecurityXML |
get(SecurityXML component) |
SecurityXMLData |
get(SecurityXMLData value) |
SecurityXMLLen |
get(SecurityXMLLen value) |
SecurityXMLSchema |
get(SecurityXMLSchema value) |
SettlCurrency |
get(SettlCurrency value) |
SettlDate |
get(SettlDate value) |
SettleOnOpenFlag |
get(SettleOnOpenFlag value) |
SettlMethod |
get(SettlMethod value) |
SettlSessID |
get(SettlSessID value) |
SettlSessSubID |
get(SettlSessSubID value) |
SettlType |
get(SettlType value) |
ShortSaleReason |
get(ShortSaleReason value) |
StateOrProvinceOfIssue |
get(StateOrProvinceOfIssue value) |
StrikeCurrency |
get(StrikeCurrency value) |
StrikeMultiplier |
get(StrikeMultiplier value) |
StrikePrice |
get(StrikePrice value) |
StrikeValue |
get(StrikeValue value) |
SubscriptionRequestType |
get(SubscriptionRequestType value) |
Symbol |
get(Symbol value) |
SymbolSfx |
get(SymbolSfx value) |
Text |
get(Text value) |
TierCode |
get(TierCode value) |
TimeUnit |
get(TimeUnit value) |
TradeDate |
get(TradeDate value) |
TradeHandlingInstr |
get(TradeHandlingInstr value) |
TradeID |
get(TradeID value) |
TradeLegRefID |
get(TradeLegRefID value) |
TradeLinkID |
get(TradeLinkID value) |
TradePublishIndicator |
get(TradePublishIndicator value) |
TradeReportID |
get(TradeReportID value) |
TradeReportRefID |
get(TradeReportRefID value) |
TradeReportRejectReason |
get(TradeReportRejectReason value) |
TradeReportTransType |
get(TradeReportTransType value) |
TradeReportType |
get(TradeReportType value) |
TransactTime |
get(TransactTime value) |
TransferReason |
get(TransferReason value) |
TrdCapRptAckSideGrp |
get(TrdCapRptAckSideGrp component) |
TrdInstrmtLegGrp |
get(TrdInstrmtLegGrp component) |
TrdMatchID |
get(TrdMatchID value) |
TrdRegTimestamps |
get(TrdRegTimestamps component) |
TrdRepIndicatorsGrp |
get(TrdRepIndicatorsGrp component) |
TrdRptStatus |
get(TrdRptStatus value) |
TrdSubType |
get(TrdSubType value) |
TrdType |
get(TrdType value) |
UnderlyingTradingSessionID |
get(UnderlyingTradingSessionID value) |
UnderlyingTradingSessionSubID |
get(UnderlyingTradingSessionSubID value) |
UndInstrmtGrp |
get(UndInstrmtGrp component) |
UnitOfMeasure |
get(UnitOfMeasure value) |
UnitOfMeasureQty |
get(UnitOfMeasureQty value) |
AsOfIndicator |
getAsOfIndicator() |
AvgPx |
getAvgPx() |
AvgPxIndicator |
getAvgPxIndicator() |
CalculatedCcyLastQty |
getCalculatedCcyLastQty() |
CapPrice |
getCapPrice() |
CFICode |
getCFICode() |
ClearingBusinessDate |
getClearingBusinessDate() |
ClearingFeeIndicator |
getClearingFeeIndicator() |
ContractMultiplier |
getContractMultiplier() |
ContractSettlMonth |
getContractSettlMonth() |
CopyMsgIndicator |
getCopyMsgIndicator() |
CountryOfIssue |
getCountryOfIssue() |
CouponPaymentDate |
getCouponPaymentDate() |
CouponRate |
getCouponRate() |
CPProgram |
getCPProgram() |
CPRegType |
getCPRegType() |
CreditRating |
getCreditRating() |
Currency |
getCurrency() |
DatedDate |
getDatedDate() |
EncodedIssuer |
getEncodedIssuer() |
EncodedIssuerLen |
getEncodedIssuerLen() |
EncodedSecurityDesc |
getEncodedSecurityDesc() |
EncodedSecurityDescLen |
getEncodedSecurityDescLen() |
EncodedText |
getEncodedText() |
EncodedTextLen |
getEncodedTextLen() |
EvntGrp |
getEvntGrp() |
ExecID |
getExecID() |
ExecRestatementReason |
getExecRestatementReason() |
ExecType |
getExecType() |
ExerciseStyle |
getExerciseStyle() |
Factor |
getFactor() |
FeeMultiplier |
getFeeMultiplier() |
FirmTradeID |
getFirmTradeID() |
FlexibleIndicator |
getFlexibleIndicator() |
FlexProductEligibilityIndicator |
getFlexProductEligibilityIndicator() |
FloorPrice |
getFloorPrice() |
FuturesValuationMethod |
getFuturesValuationMethod() |
GrossTradeAmt |
getGrossTradeAmt() |
InstrmtAssignmentMethod |
getInstrmtAssignmentMethod() |
InstrRegistry |
getInstrRegistry() |
Instrument |
getInstrument() |
InstrumentParties |
getInstrumentParties() |
InterestAccrualDate |
getInterestAccrualDate() |
IssueDate |
getIssueDate() |
Issuer |
getIssuer() |
LastForwardPoints |
getLastForwardPoints() |
LastMkt |
getLastMkt() |
LastParPx |
getLastParPx() |
LastPx |
getLastPx() |
LastQty |
getLastQty() |
LastSpotRate |
getLastSpotRate() |
LastSwapPoints |
getLastSwapPoints() |
LastUpdateTime |
getLastUpdateTime() |
ListMethod |
getListMethod() |
LocaleOfIssue |
getLocaleOfIssue() |
MatchStatus |
getMatchStatus() |
MatchType |
getMatchType() |
MaturityDate |
getMaturityDate() |
MaturityMonthYear |
getMaturityMonthYear() |
MaturityTime |
getMaturityTime() |
MessageEventSource |
getMessageEventSource() |
MinPriceIncrement |
getMinPriceIncrement() |
MinPriceIncrementAmount |
getMinPriceIncrementAmount() |
MultiLegReportingType |
getMultiLegReportingType() |
NoEvents |
getNoEvents() |
NoInstrumentParties |
getNoInstrumentParties() |
NoLegs |
getNoLegs() |
NoPosAmt |
getNoPosAmt() |
NoRootPartyIDs |
getNoRootPartyIDs() |
NoSecurityAltID |
getNoSecurityAltID() |
NoSides |
getNoSides() |
NoTrdRegTimestamps |
getNoTrdRegTimestamps() |
NoTrdRepIndicators |
getNoTrdRepIndicators() |
NoUnderlyings |
getNoUnderlyings() |
NTPositionLimit |
getNTPositionLimit() |
OptAttribute |
getOptAttribute() |
OptPayAmount |
getOptPayAmount() |
OrdStatus |
getOrdStatus() |
OrigSecondaryTradeID |
getOrigSecondaryTradeID() |
OrigTradeDate |
getOrigTradeDate() |
OrigTradeHandlingInstr |
getOrigTradeHandlingInstr() |
OrigTradeID |
getOrigTradeID() |
Pool |
getPool() |
PositionAmountData |
getPositionAmountData() |
PositionLimit |
getPositionLimit() |
PreviouslyReported |
getPreviouslyReported() |
PriceQuoteMethod |
getPriceQuoteMethod() |
PriceType |
getPriceType() |
PriceUnitOfMeasure |
getPriceUnitOfMeasure() |
PriceUnitOfMeasureQty |
getPriceUnitOfMeasureQty() |
Product |
getProduct() |
ProductComplex |
getProductComplex() |
PublishTrdIndicator |
getPublishTrdIndicator() |
PutOrCall |
getPutOrCall() |
QtyType |
getQtyType() |
RedemptionDate |
getRedemptionDate() |
RepoCollateralSecurityType |
getRepoCollateralSecurityType() |
RepurchaseRate |
getRepurchaseRate() |
RepurchaseTerm |
getRepurchaseTerm() |
ResponseDestination |
getResponseDestination() |
ResponseTransportType |
getResponseTransportType() |
RndPx |
getRndPx() |
RootParties |
getRootParties() |
RptSys |
getRptSys() |
SecAltIDGrp |
getSecAltIDGrp() |
SecondaryExecID |
getSecondaryExecID() |
SecondaryFirmTradeID |
getSecondaryFirmTradeID() |
SecondaryTradeID |
getSecondaryTradeID() |
SecondaryTradeReportID |
getSecondaryTradeReportID() |
SecondaryTradeReportRefID |
getSecondaryTradeReportRefID() |
SecondaryTrdType |
getSecondaryTrdType() |
SecurityDesc |
getSecurityDesc() |
SecurityExchange |
getSecurityExchange() |
SecurityGroup |
getSecurityGroup() |
SecurityID |
getSecurityID() |
SecurityIDSource |
getSecurityIDSource() |
SecurityStatus |
getSecurityStatus() |
SecuritySubType |
getSecuritySubType() |
SecurityType |
getSecurityType() |
SecurityXML |
getSecurityXML() |
SecurityXMLData |
getSecurityXMLData() |
SecurityXMLLen |
getSecurityXMLLen() |
SecurityXMLSchema |
getSecurityXMLSchema() |
SettlCurrency |
getSettlCurrency() |
SettlDate |
getSettlDate() |
SettleOnOpenFlag |
getSettleOnOpenFlag() |
SettlMethod |
getSettlMethod() |
SettlSessID |
getSettlSessID() |
SettlSessSubID |
getSettlSessSubID() |
SettlType |
getSettlType() |
ShortSaleReason |
getShortSaleReason() |
StateOrProvinceOfIssue |
getStateOrProvinceOfIssue() |
StrikeCurrency |
getStrikeCurrency() |
StrikeMultiplier |
getStrikeMultiplier() |
StrikePrice |
getStrikePrice() |
StrikeValue |
getStrikeValue() |
SubscriptionRequestType |
getSubscriptionRequestType() |
Symbol |
getSymbol() |
SymbolSfx |
getSymbolSfx() |
Text |
getText() |
TierCode |
getTierCode() |
TimeUnit |
getTimeUnit() |
TradeDate |
getTradeDate() |
TradeHandlingInstr |
getTradeHandlingInstr() |
TradeID |
getTradeID() |
TradeLegRefID |
getTradeLegRefID() |
TradeLinkID |
getTradeLinkID() |
TradePublishIndicator |
getTradePublishIndicator() |
TradeReportID |
getTradeReportID() |
TradeReportRefID |
getTradeReportRefID() |
TradeReportRejectReason |
getTradeReportRejectReason() |
TradeReportTransType |
getTradeReportTransType() |
TradeReportType |
getTradeReportType() |
TransactTime |
getTransactTime() |
TransferReason |
getTransferReason() |
TrdCapRptAckSideGrp |
getTrdCapRptAckSideGrp() |
TrdInstrmtLegGrp |
getTrdInstrmtLegGrp() |
TrdMatchID |
getTrdMatchID() |
TrdRegTimestamps |
getTrdRegTimestamps() |
TrdRepIndicatorsGrp |
getTrdRepIndicatorsGrp() |
TrdRptStatus |
getTrdRptStatus() |
TrdSubType |
getTrdSubType() |
TrdType |
getTrdType() |
UnderlyingTradingSessionID |
getUnderlyingTradingSessionID() |
UnderlyingTradingSessionSubID |
getUnderlyingTradingSessionSubID() |
UndInstrmtGrp |
getUndInstrmtGrp() |
UnitOfMeasure |
getUnitOfMeasure() |
UnitOfMeasureQty |
getUnitOfMeasureQty() |
boolean |
isSet(AsOfIndicator field) |
boolean |
isSet(AvgPx field) |
boolean |
isSet(AvgPxIndicator field) |
boolean |
isSet(CalculatedCcyLastQty field) |
boolean |
isSet(CapPrice field) |
boolean |
isSet(CFICode field) |
boolean |
isSet(ClearingBusinessDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(ClearingFeeIndicator field) |
boolean |
isSet(ContractMultiplier field) |
boolean |
isSet(ContractSettlMonth field) |
boolean |
isSet(CopyMsgIndicator field) |
boolean |
isSet(CountryOfIssue field) |
boolean |
isSet(CouponPaymentDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(CouponRate field) |
boolean |
isSet(CPProgram field) |
boolean |
isSet(CPRegType field) |
boolean |
isSet(CreditRating field) |
boolean |
isSet(Currency field) |
boolean |
isSet(DatedDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(EncodedIssuer field) |
boolean |
isSet(EncodedIssuerLen field) |
boolean |
isSet(EncodedSecurityDesc field) |
boolean |
isSet(EncodedSecurityDescLen field) |
boolean |
isSet(EncodedText field) |
boolean |
isSet(EncodedTextLen field) |
boolean |
isSet(ExecID field) |
boolean |
isSet(ExecRestatementReason field) |
boolean |
isSet(ExecType field) |
boolean |
isSet(ExerciseStyle field) |
boolean |
isSet(Factor field) |
boolean |
isSet(FeeMultiplier field) |
boolean |
isSet(FirmTradeID field) |
boolean |
isSet(FlexibleIndicator field) |
boolean |
isSet(FlexProductEligibilityIndicator field) |
boolean |
isSet(FloorPrice field) |
boolean |
isSet(FuturesValuationMethod field) |
boolean |
isSet(GrossTradeAmt field) |
boolean |
isSet(InstrmtAssignmentMethod field) |
boolean |
isSet(InstrRegistry field) |
boolean |
isSet(InterestAccrualDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(IssueDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(Issuer field) |
boolean |
isSet(LastForwardPoints field) |
boolean |
isSet(LastMkt field) |
boolean |
isSet(LastParPx field) |
boolean |
isSet(LastPx field) |
boolean |
isSet(LastQty field) |
boolean |
isSet(LastSpotRate field) |
boolean |
isSet(LastSwapPoints field) |
boolean |
isSet(LastUpdateTime field) |
boolean |
isSet(ListMethod field) |
boolean |
isSet(LocaleOfIssue field) |
boolean |
isSet(MatchStatus field) |
boolean |
isSet(MatchType field) |
boolean |
isSet(MaturityDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(MaturityMonthYear field) |
boolean |
isSet(MaturityTime field) |
boolean |
isSet(MessageEventSource field) |
boolean |
isSet(MinPriceIncrement field) |
boolean |
isSet(MinPriceIncrementAmount field) |
boolean |
isSet(MultiLegReportingType field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoEvents field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoInstrumentParties field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoLegs field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoPosAmt field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoRootPartyIDs field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoSecurityAltID field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoSides field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoTrdRegTimestamps field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoTrdRepIndicators field) |
boolean |
isSet(NoUnderlyings field) |
boolean |
isSet(NTPositionLimit field) |
boolean |
isSet(OptAttribute field) |
boolean |
isSet(OptPayAmount field) |
boolean |
isSet(OrdStatus field) |
boolean |
isSet(OrigSecondaryTradeID field) |
boolean |
isSet(OrigTradeDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(OrigTradeHandlingInstr field) |
boolean |
isSet(OrigTradeID field) |
boolean |
isSet(Pool field) |
boolean |
isSet(PositionLimit field) |
boolean |
isSet(PreviouslyReported field) |
boolean |
isSet(PriceQuoteMethod field) |
boolean |
isSet(PriceType field) |
boolean |
isSet(PriceUnitOfMeasure field) |
boolean |
isSet(PriceUnitOfMeasureQty field) |
boolean |
isSet(Product field) |
boolean |
isSet(ProductComplex field) |
boolean |
isSet(PublishTrdIndicator field) |
boolean |
isSet(PutOrCall field) |
boolean |
isSet(QtyType field) |
boolean |
isSet(RedemptionDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(RepoCollateralSecurityType field) |
boolean |
isSet(RepurchaseRate field) |
boolean |
isSet(RepurchaseTerm field) |
boolean |
isSet(ResponseDestination field) |
boolean |
isSet(ResponseTransportType field) |
boolean |
isSet(RndPx field) |
boolean |
isSet(RptSys field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecondaryExecID field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecondaryFirmTradeID field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecondaryTradeID field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecondaryTradeReportID field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecondaryTradeReportRefID field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecondaryTrdType field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityDesc field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityExchange field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityGroup field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityID field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityIDSource field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityStatus field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecuritySubType field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityType field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityXMLData field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityXMLLen field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityXMLSchema field) |
boolean |
isSet(SettlCurrency field) |
boolean |
isSet(SettlDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(SettleOnOpenFlag field) |
boolean |
isSet(SettlMethod field) |
boolean |
isSet(SettlSessID field) |
boolean |
isSet(SettlSessSubID field) |
boolean |
isSet(SettlType field) |
boolean |
isSet(ShortSaleReason field) |
boolean |
isSet(StateOrProvinceOfIssue field) |
boolean |
isSet(StrikeCurrency field) |
boolean |
isSet(StrikeMultiplier field) |
boolean |
isSet(StrikePrice field) |
boolean |
isSet(StrikeValue field) |
boolean |
isSet(SubscriptionRequestType field) |
boolean |
isSet(Symbol field) |
boolean |
isSet(SymbolSfx field) |
boolean |
isSet(Text field) |
boolean |
isSet(TierCode field) |
boolean |
isSet(TimeUnit field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradeDate field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradeHandlingInstr field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradeID field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradeLegRefID field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradeLinkID field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradePublishIndicator field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradeReportID field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradeReportRefID field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradeReportRejectReason field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradeReportTransType field) |
boolean |
isSet(TradeReportType field) |
boolean |
isSet(TransactTime field) |
boolean |
isSet(TransferReason field) |
boolean |
isSet(TrdMatchID field) |
boolean |
isSet(TrdRptStatus field) |
boolean |
isSet(TrdSubType field) |
boolean |
isSet(TrdType field) |
boolean |
isSet(UnderlyingTradingSessionID field) |
boolean |
isSet(UnderlyingTradingSessionSubID field) |
boolean |
isSet(UnitOfMeasure field) |
boolean |
isSet(UnitOfMeasureQty field) |
boolean |
isSetAsOfIndicator() |
boolean |
isSetAvgPx() |
boolean |
isSetAvgPxIndicator() |
boolean |
isSetCalculatedCcyLastQty() |
boolean |
isSetCapPrice() |
boolean |
isSetCFICode() |
boolean |
isSetClearingBusinessDate() |
boolean |
isSetClearingFeeIndicator() |
boolean |
isSetContractMultiplier() |
boolean |
isSetContractSettlMonth() |
boolean |
isSetCopyMsgIndicator() |
boolean |
isSetCountryOfIssue() |
boolean |
isSetCouponPaymentDate() |
boolean |
isSetCouponRate() |
boolean |
isSetCPProgram() |
boolean |
isSetCPRegType() |
boolean |
isSetCreditRating() |
boolean |
isSetCurrency() |
boolean |
isSetDatedDate() |
boolean |
isSetEncodedIssuer() |
boolean |
isSetEncodedIssuerLen() |
boolean |
isSetEncodedSecurityDesc() |
boolean |
isSetEncodedSecurityDescLen() |
boolean |
isSetEncodedText() |
boolean |
isSetEncodedTextLen() |
boolean |
isSetExecID() |
boolean |
isSetExecRestatementReason() |
boolean |
isSetExecType() |
boolean |
isSetExerciseStyle() |
boolean |
isSetFactor() |
boolean |
isSetFeeMultiplier() |
boolean |
isSetFirmTradeID() |
boolean |
isSetFlexibleIndicator() |
boolean |
isSetFlexProductEligibilityIndicator() |
boolean |
isSetFloorPrice() |
boolean |
isSetFuturesValuationMethod() |
boolean |
isSetGrossTradeAmt() |
boolean |
isSetInstrmtAssignmentMethod() |
boolean |
isSetInstrRegistry() |
boolean |
isSetInterestAccrualDate() |
boolean |
isSetIssueDate() |
boolean |
isSetIssuer() |
boolean |
isSetLastForwardPoints() |
boolean |
isSetLastMkt() |
boolean |
isSetLastParPx() |
boolean |
isSetLastPx() |
boolean |
isSetLastQty() |
boolean |
isSetLastSpotRate() |
boolean |
isSetLastSwapPoints() |
boolean |
isSetLastUpdateTime() |
boolean |
isSetListMethod() |
boolean |
isSetLocaleOfIssue() |
boolean |
isSetMatchStatus() |
boolean |
isSetMatchType() |
boolean |
isSetMaturityDate() |
boolean |
isSetMaturityMonthYear() |
boolean |
isSetMaturityTime() |
boolean |
isSetMessageEventSource() |
boolean |
isSetMinPriceIncrement() |
boolean |
isSetMinPriceIncrementAmount() |
boolean |
isSetMultiLegReportingType() |
boolean |
isSetNoEvents() |
boolean |
isSetNoInstrumentParties() |
boolean |
isSetNoLegs() |
boolean |
isSetNoPosAmt() |
boolean |
isSetNoRootPartyIDs() |
boolean |
isSetNoSecurityAltID() |
boolean |
isSetNoSides() |
boolean |
isSetNoTrdRegTimestamps() |
boolean |
isSetNoTrdRepIndicators() |
boolean |
isSetNoUnderlyings() |
boolean |
isSetNTPositionLimit() |
boolean |
isSetOptAttribute() |
boolean |
isSetOptPayAmount() |
boolean |
isSetOrdStatus() |
boolean |
isSetOrigSecondaryTradeID() |
boolean |
isSetOrigTradeDate() |
boolean |
isSetOrigTradeHandlingInstr() |
boolean |
isSetOrigTradeID() |
boolean |
isSetPool() |
boolean |
isSetPositionLimit() |
boolean |
isSetPreviouslyReported() |
boolean |
isSetPriceQuoteMethod() |
boolean |
isSetPriceType() |
boolean |
isSetPriceUnitOfMeasure() |
boolean |
isSetPriceUnitOfMeasureQty() |
boolean |
isSetProduct() |
boolean |
isSetProductComplex() |
boolean |
isSetPublishTrdIndicator() |
boolean |
isSetPutOrCall() |
boolean |
isSetQtyType() |
boolean |
isSetRedemptionDate() |
boolean |
isSetRepoCollateralSecurityType() |
boolean |
isSetRepurchaseRate() |
boolean |
isSetRepurchaseTerm() |
boolean |
isSetResponseDestination() |
boolean |
isSetResponseTransportType() |
boolean |
isSetRndPx() |
boolean |
isSetRptSys() |
boolean |
isSetSecondaryExecID() |
boolean |
isSetSecondaryFirmTradeID() |
boolean |
isSetSecondaryTradeID() |
boolean |
isSetSecondaryTradeReportID() |
boolean |
isSetSecondaryTradeReportRefID() |
boolean |
isSetSecondaryTrdType() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityDesc() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityExchange() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityGroup() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityID() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityIDSource() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityStatus() |
boolean |
isSetSecuritySubType() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityType() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityXMLData() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityXMLLen() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityXMLSchema() |
boolean |
isSetSettlCurrency() |
boolean |
isSetSettlDate() |
boolean |
isSetSettleOnOpenFlag() |
boolean |
isSetSettlMethod() |
boolean |
isSetSettlSessID() |
boolean |
isSetSettlSessSubID() |
boolean |
isSetSettlType() |
boolean |
isSetShortSaleReason() |
boolean |
isSetStateOrProvinceOfIssue() |
boolean |
isSetStrikeCurrency() |
boolean |
isSetStrikeMultiplier() |
boolean |
isSetStrikePrice() |
boolean |
isSetStrikeValue() |
boolean |
isSetSubscriptionRequestType() |
boolean |
isSetSymbol() |
boolean |
isSetSymbolSfx() |
boolean |
isSetText() |
boolean |
isSetTierCode() |
boolean |
isSetTimeUnit() |
boolean |
isSetTradeDate() |
boolean |
isSetTradeHandlingInstr() |
boolean |
isSetTradeID() |
boolean |
isSetTradeLegRefID() |
boolean |
isSetTradeLinkID() |
boolean |
isSetTradePublishIndicator() |
boolean |
isSetTradeReportID() |
boolean |
isSetTradeReportRefID() |
boolean |
isSetTradeReportRejectReason() |
boolean |
isSetTradeReportTransType() |
boolean |
isSetTradeReportType() |
boolean |
isSetTransactTime() |
boolean |
isSetTransferReason() |
boolean |
isSetTrdMatchID() |
boolean |
isSetTrdRptStatus() |
boolean |
isSetTrdSubType() |
boolean |
isSetTrdType() |
boolean |
isSetUnderlyingTradingSessionID() |
boolean |
isSetUnderlyingTradingSessionSubID() |
boolean |
isSetUnitOfMeasure() |
boolean |
isSetUnitOfMeasureQty() |
void |
set(AsOfIndicator value) |
void |
set(AvgPx value) |
void |
set(AvgPxIndicator value) |
void |
set(CalculatedCcyLastQty value) |
void |
set(CapPrice value) |
void |
set(CFICode value) |
void |
set(ClearingBusinessDate value) |
void |
set(ClearingFeeIndicator value) |
void |
set(ContractMultiplier value) |
void |
set(ContractSettlMonth value) |
void |
set(CopyMsgIndicator value) |
void |
set(CountryOfIssue value) |
void |
set(CouponPaymentDate value) |
void |
set(CouponRate value) |
void |
set(CPProgram value) |
void |
set(CPRegType value) |
void |
set(CreditRating value) |
void |
set(Currency value) |
void |
set(DatedDate value) |
void |
set(EncodedIssuer value) |
void |
set(EncodedIssuerLen value) |
void |
set(EncodedSecurityDesc value) |
void |
set(EncodedSecurityDescLen value) |
void |
set(EncodedText value) |
void |
set(EncodedTextLen value) |
void |
set(EvntGrp component) |
void |
set(ExecID value) |
void |
set(ExecRestatementReason value) |
void |
set(ExecType value) |
void |
set(ExerciseStyle value) |
void |
set(Factor value) |
void |
set(FeeMultiplier value) |
void |
set(FirmTradeID value) |
void |
set(FlexibleIndicator value) |
void |
set(FlexProductEligibilityIndicator value) |
void |
set(FloorPrice value) |
void |
set(FuturesValuationMethod value) |
void |
set(GrossTradeAmt value) |
void |
set(InstrmtAssignmentMethod value) |
void |
set(InstrRegistry value) |
void |
set(Instrument component) |
void |
set(InstrumentParties component) |
void |
set(InterestAccrualDate value) |
void |
set(IssueDate value) |
void |
set(Issuer value) |
void |
set(LastForwardPoints value) |
void |
set(LastMkt value) |
void |
set(LastParPx value) |
void |
set(LastPx value) |
void |
set(LastQty value) |
void |
set(LastSpotRate value) |
void |
set(LastSwapPoints value) |
void |
set(LastUpdateTime value) |
void |
set(ListMethod value) |
void |
set(LocaleOfIssue value) |
void |
set(MatchStatus value) |
void |
set(MatchType value) |
void |
set(MaturityDate value) |
void |
set(MaturityMonthYear value) |
void |
set(MaturityTime value) |
void |
set(MessageEventSource value) |
void |
set(MinPriceIncrement value) |
void |
set(MinPriceIncrementAmount value) |
void |
set(MultiLegReportingType value) |
void |
set(NoEvents value) |
void |
set(NoInstrumentParties value) |
void |
set(NoLegs value) |
void |
set(NoPosAmt value) |
void |
set(NoRootPartyIDs value) |
void |
set(NoSecurityAltID value) |
void |
set(NoSides value) |
void |
set(NoTrdRegTimestamps value) |
void |
set(NoTrdRepIndicators value) |
void |
set(NoUnderlyings value) |
void |
set(NTPositionLimit value) |
void |
set(OptAttribute value) |
void |
set(OptPayAmount value) |
void |
set(OrdStatus value) |
void |
set(OrigSecondaryTradeID value) |
void |
set(OrigTradeDate value) |
void |
set(OrigTradeHandlingInstr value) |
void |
set(OrigTradeID value) |
void |
set(Pool value) |
void |
set(PositionAmountData component) |
void |
set(PositionLimit value) |
void |
set(PreviouslyReported value) |
void |
set(PriceQuoteMethod value) |
void |
set(PriceType value) |
void |
set(PriceUnitOfMeasure value) |
void |
set(PriceUnitOfMeasureQty value) |
void |
set(Product value) |
void |
set(ProductComplex value) |
void |
set(PublishTrdIndicator value) |
void |
set(PutOrCall value) |
void |
set(QtyType value) |
void |
set(RedemptionDate value) |
void |
set(RepoCollateralSecurityType value) |
void |
set(RepurchaseRate value) |
void |
set(RepurchaseTerm value) |
void |
set(ResponseDestination value) |
void |
set(ResponseTransportType value) |
void |
set(RndPx value) |
void |
set(RootParties component) |
void |
set(RptSys value) |
void |
set(SecAltIDGrp component) |
void |
set(SecondaryExecID value) |
void |
set(SecondaryFirmTradeID value) |
void |
set(SecondaryTradeID value) |
void |
set(SecondaryTradeReportID value) |
void |
set(SecondaryTradeReportRefID value) |
void |
set(SecondaryTrdType value) |
void |
set(SecurityDesc value) |
void |
set(SecurityExchange value) |
void |
set(SecurityGroup value) |
void |
set(SecurityID value) |
void |
set(SecurityIDSource value) |
void |
set(SecurityStatus value) |
void |
set(SecuritySubType value) |
void |
set(SecurityType value) |
void |
set(SecurityXML component) |
void |
set(SecurityXMLData value) |
void |
set(SecurityXMLLen value) |
void |
set(SecurityXMLSchema value) |
void |
set(SettlCurrency value) |
void |
set(SettlDate value) |
void |
set(SettleOnOpenFlag value) |
void |
set(SettlMethod value) |
void |
set(SettlSessID value) |
void |
set(SettlSessSubID value) |
void |
set(SettlType value) |
void |
set(ShortSaleReason value) |
void |
set(StateOrProvinceOfIssue value) |
void |
set(StrikeCurrency value) |
void |
set(StrikeMultiplier value) |
void |
set(StrikePrice value) |
void |
set(StrikeValue value) |
void |
set(SubscriptionRequestType value) |
void |
set(Symbol value) |
void |
set(SymbolSfx value) |
void |
set(Text value) |
void |
set(TierCode value) |
void |
set(TimeUnit value) |
void |
set(TradeDate value) |
void |
set(TradeHandlingInstr value) |
void |
set(TradeID value) |
void |
set(TradeLegRefID value) |
void |
set(TradeLinkID value) |
void |
set(TradePublishIndicator value) |
void |
set(TradeReportID value) |
void |
set(TradeReportRefID value) |
void |
set(TradeReportRejectReason value) |
void |
set(TradeReportTransType value) |
void |
set(TradeReportType value) |
void |
set(TransactTime value) |
void |
set(TransferReason value) |
void |
set(TrdCapRptAckSideGrp component) |
void |
set(TrdInstrmtLegGrp component) |
void |
set(TrdMatchID value) |
void |
set(TrdRegTimestamps component) |
void |
set(TrdRepIndicatorsGrp component) |
void |
set(TrdRptStatus value) |
void |
set(TrdSubType value) |
void |
set(TrdType value) |
void |
set(UnderlyingTradingSessionID value) |
void |
set(UnderlyingTradingSessionSubID value) |
void |
set(UndInstrmtGrp component) |
void |
set(UnitOfMeasure value) |
void |
set(UnitOfMeasureQty value) |