public static class SecTypesGrp.NoSecurityTypes extends Group
Constructor and Description |
NoSecurityTypes() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CFICode |
get(CFICode value) |
Product |
get(Product value) |
SecuritySubType |
get(SecuritySubType value) |
SecurityType |
get(SecurityType value) |
TransactTime |
get(TransactTime value) |
CFICode |
getCFICode() |
Product |
getProduct() |
SecuritySubType |
getSecuritySubType() |
SecurityType |
getSecurityType() |
TransactTime |
getTransactTime() |
boolean |
isSet(CFICode field) |
boolean |
isSet(Product field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecuritySubType field) |
boolean |
isSet(SecurityType field) |
boolean |
isSet(TransactTime field) |
boolean |
isSetCFICode() |
boolean |
isSetProduct() |
boolean |
isSetSecuritySubType() |
boolean |
isSetSecurityType() |
boolean |
isSetTransactTime() |
void |
set(CFICode value) |
void |
set(Product value) |
void |
set(SecuritySubType value) |
void |
set(SecurityType value) |
void |
set(TransactTime value) |
delim, getFieldTag
addGroup, addGroupRef, calculateString, clear, getBoolean, getChar, getChars, getComponent, getDecimal, getDouble, getField, getField, getField, getField, getField, getField, getField, getField, getField, getField, getFieldOrder, getGroup, getGroup, getGroupCount, getGroups, getInt, getOptionalDecimal, getOptionalString, getString, getUtcDateOnly, getUtcTimeOnly, getUtcTimeStamp, groupKeyIterator, hasGroup, hasGroup, hasGroup, hasGroup, indexOf, initializeFrom, isEmpty, isSetField, isSetField, iterator, removeField, removeGroup, removeGroup, removeGroup, removeGroup, replaceGroup, reset, setBoolean, setBytes, setChar, setChars, setComponent, setDecimal, setDecimal, setDouble, setDouble, setField, setField, setField, setField, setField, setField, setField, setField, setField, setField, setField, setFields, setGroupCount, setGroups, setGroups, setInt, setString, setUtcDateOnly, setUtcTimeOnly, setUtcTimeOnly, setUtcTimeOnly, setUtcTimeStamp, setUtcTimeStamp, setUtcTimeStamp
public void set(SecurityType value)
public SecurityType get(SecurityType value) throws FieldNotFound
public SecurityType getSecurityType() throws FieldNotFound
public boolean isSet(SecurityType field)
public boolean isSetSecurityType()
public void set(SecuritySubType value)
public SecuritySubType get(SecuritySubType value) throws FieldNotFound
public SecuritySubType getSecuritySubType() throws FieldNotFound
public boolean isSet(SecuritySubType field)
public boolean isSetSecuritySubType()
public void set(Product value)
public Product get(Product value) throws FieldNotFound
public Product getProduct() throws FieldNotFound
public boolean isSet(Product field)
public boolean isSetProduct()
public void set(CFICode value)
public CFICode get(CFICode value) throws FieldNotFound
public CFICode getCFICode() throws FieldNotFound
public boolean isSet(CFICode field)
public boolean isSetCFICode()
public void set(TransactTime value)
public TransactTime get(TransactTime value) throws FieldNotFound
public TransactTime getTransactTime() throws FieldNotFound
public boolean isSet(TransactTime field)
public boolean isSetTransactTime()
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