I need QFJ to support Chinese characters. So I modified my working copy to add this functionality/tests. I could simply commit the changes but I don't have write access to the repository. I'll just post the relevant changes here for now. It'd be nice if I could simply add all the diffs as attachments to this message.
public String toString() {
- header.setField(new BodyLength(bodyLength()));
+ try { + header.setField(new BodyLength(bodyLength())); + }catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e)
{ + LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).error("toString failed, unsupported encoding", e); + return ""; + }trailer.setField(new CheckSum(checkSum()));
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
@@ -138,7 +145,7 @@
return sb.toString();
- public int bodyLength() {
+ public int bodyLength() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return header.calculateLength() + calculateLength() + trailer.calculateLength(); }</pre>
- /package/ int getLength() {
+ /package/ int getLength() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { calculate(); - return data.length()+1; + return data.getBytes(CharsetSupport.getCharset()).length+1; }</pre>
- public void testFieldCalculations() {
+ public void testFieldCalculationsEnglish() throws Exception { Field<String> object = new Field<String>(12, "VALUE"); object.setObject("VALUE"); assertEquals("12=VALUE", object.toString()); @@ -63,6 +65,22 @@ assertEquals(544, object.getTotal()); assertEquals(9, object.getLength()); }
+ public void testFieldCalculationsChinese() throws Exception {
+ try { + CharsetSupport.setCharset("UTF-8"); + int tag = 13; + String value = "\u6D4B\u9A8C\u6570\u636E"; + Field<String> object = new Field<String>(tag, value); + assertEquals(tag + "=" + value, object.toString()); + assertEquals(119127, object.getTotal()); + assertEquals(16, object.getLength()); + } catch(Exception e) { + throw e; + } finally { + CharsetSupport.setCharset(CharsetSupport.getDefaultCharset()); + }
+ }
- public void testFieldCalculations() {
+ public void testFieldCalculationsEnglish() throws Exception { Field<String> object = new Field<String>(12, "VALUE"); object.setObject("VALUE"); assertEquals("12=VALUE", object.toString());@@ -63,6 +65,22 @@ assertEquals(544, object.getTotal()); assertEquals(9, object.getLength()); }+
+ public void testFieldCalculationsChinese() throws ExceptionUnknown macro: {+ try { + CharsetSupport.setCharset("UTF-8"); + int tag = 13; + String value = "\u6D4B\u9A8C\u6570\u636E"; + Field<String> object = new Field<String>(tag, value); + assertEquals(tag + "=" + value, object.toString()); + assertEquals(119127, object.getTotal()); + assertEquals(16, object.getLength()); + } catch(Exception e) { + throw e; + } finally { + CharsetSupport.setCharset(CharsetSupport.getDefaultCharset()); + }
+ }
public void testWesternEuropeanEncoding() throws Exception {
- // Default encoding, should work
- doEncodingTest();
- try { - // This will break because of European characters - CharsetSupport.setCharset("US-ASCII"); - doEncodingTest(); - } catch (ComparisonFailure e) { - // expected - } finally { - CharsetSupport.setCharset(CharsetSupport.getDefaultCharset()); - }
+ // äbcfödçé
+ String input = "\u00E4bcf\u00F6d\u00E7\u00E9";
+ // Default encoding, should work
+ doEncodingTest(input);
+ try { + // This will break because of European characters + CharsetSupport.setCharset("US-ASCII"); + doEncodingTest(input); + } catch (ComparisonFailure e) { + // expected + } finally {+ CharsetSupport.setCharset(CharsetSupport.getDefaultCharset());+ } }
- private void doEncodingTest() throws ProtocolCodecException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
- // äbcfödçé
- String headline = "\u00E4bcf\u00F6d\u00E7\u00E9";
+ public void testChineseEncoding() throws ExceptionUnknown macro: {+ // "test data" in Chinese+ String input = "u6D4Bu9A8Cu6570u636E";+ + try { + // This will break because the characters cannot be represented properly + doEncodingTest(input); + } catch (ComparisonFailure e) { + // expected + }++ try { + // This should work + CharsetSupport.setCharset("UTF-8"); + doEncodingTest(input); + } finally { + CharsetSupport.setCharset(CharsetSupport.getDefaultCharset()); + }
+ }
+ private void doEncodingTest(String input) throws ProtocolCodecException, UnsupportedEncodingException { News news = new News(); - news.set(new Headline(headline)); + news.set(new Headline(input)); FIXMessageEncoder encoder = new FIXMessageEncoder(); ProtocolEncoderOutputForTest encoderOut = new ProtocolEncoderOutputForTest(); encoder.encode(null, news, encoderOut); @@ -84,11 +105,24 @@ }
- public void testEncodingString() throws Exception {
+ public void testEncodingStringEnglish() throws Exception { FIXMessageEncoder encoder = new FIXMessageEncoder(); ProtocolEncoderOutputForTest protocolEncoderOutputForTest = new ProtocolEncoderOutputForTest(); encoder.encode(null, "abcd", protocolEncoderOutputForTest); assertEquals(4, protocolEncoderOutputForTest.buffer.limit()); }
+ public void testEncodingStringChinese() throws Exception {
+ FIXMessageEncoder encoder = new FIXMessageEncoder();
+ ProtocolEncoderOutputForTest protocolEncoderOutputForTest = new ProtocolEncoderOutputForTest();
+ try { + CharsetSupport.setCharset("UTF-8"); + encoder.encode(null, "\u6D4B\u9A8C\u6570\u636E", protocolEncoderOutputForTest); + } finally {+ CharsetSupport.setCharset(CharsetSupport.getDefaultCharset());+ }+ assertEquals(12, protocolEncoderOutputForTest.buffer.limit());+ }
Issue Links
- duplicates
QFJ-38 FIX Message support double-byte charset.
- Closed
- is duplicated by
QFJ-666 FIXMessageEncoder got BufferOverflowException when encoding fix mesage
- Closed
- is related to
QFJ-631 Wrong checksum calculation in "quickfix.Field.getTotal()"
- Closed
QFJ-282 FIXMessageEncoder#encode() may throws java.nio.BufferOverflowException if message contains Chinese characters
- Closed
- relates to
QFJ-789 Fully support alternate encodings (charsets)
- Open