We use double-byte charset in no english country.QFJ get the fix message length using String.length(),get checksum using String.charAt().But these String method not support double-byte charset,e.g. GBK.
In GBK encoding:
"青".getBytes()[0] unsiged byte = 199
"青".getBytes()[1] unsiged byte = 244
We wish QFJ to support double-byte charset.
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QFJ-74 Explicitly control the String encoding of the FIX messages
- Closed
QFJ-805 Set GBK charset will silently drop message
- Closed
QFJ-382 Foreign Language Support - Multibyte Characters - Chinese
- Closed
QFJ-666 FIXMessageEncoder got BufferOverflowException when encoding fix mesage
- Closed
- is related to
QFJ-631 Wrong checksum calculation in "quickfix.Field.getTotal()"
- Closed
- relates to
QFJ-789 Fully support alternate encodings (charsets)
- Open