New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: Future Releases
Fix Version/s: 1.2.0
Component/s: Message Generation
Hi Folks,
I am trying to use quickfixj for our needs.
At this point I am not worried about the performance and want to be able to send orders with precise stock prices using quickfixj 1.5 I see the type NewOrderSingle takes a Price object which takes a double value. So I am getting the market data from our provider and convert those floating point values to BigDecimal. Should I just keep them in double and send orders with double values? What is the chance of raising my bid by a cent due to lack of precision in that case?
What is the quickest possible way to achive my objective?
Thanks a lot,
Issue Links
- duplicates
QFJ-77 Support big decimal in message generation.
- Closed