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  • Using Variables in Settings Files
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The quickfix.SessionSettings class supports variable interpolation using a configured set of substitution values. By default, the substitution values are JVM system properties.

The variable syntax is "${variable}". For example, if system property "" is "USER"...




Remember that system properties can be specified to the JVM using the -D argument on the command line. You can also use the method SessionSettings.setVariableValues() to configure your own set of substitution values.

Properties settingsVariableValues= new Properties();
settingsVariableValues.put("myvariable", "somevalue");
... other custom settings


The substitution values could be loaded from a property file.

Properties myCustomSettingsVariables = new Properties();

You can implement simple property inheritance by constructing a chain of java.util.Properties objects.

Properties settingsVariableValues= new Properties(System.getProperties());
settingsVariableValues.put("myvariable", "somevalue");
... other custom settings, possibly overriding the default system properties

These techniques give you a simple way to create templates of settings files that are customized based on run time values.

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